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Southwest Viet Nam wiht the famous fruit gardens.

Situated in southwest Vietnam, the famous fruit gardens are seen as a getaway to relax and escape the hustle and bustle of city life with the cost accordingly.
The gardens offer a wide variety of fruit in all four seasons is a top travel destination by tourists for years. Here visitors can relax and get enjoyable hands-on experience in harvesting fresh fruit in the aromatic orchards and gardens.
Vietnam - the interesting destination for you to experience the fun of life.
In lot of fruits in this famous garden is Purple mangosteen as the fruit that has established Lai Thieu Orchard’s reputation for excellence.

Apart from bonsai, visitors will surely to enjoy the vast array of pleasant scents of other tropical fruits such as langsat, mangosteen, durian and Cai Be is well-known as one of the most productive fruit gardens wiht the flowery and fruity aromas of the ever popular Nam Roi grapefruit, Logan, and oranges and the fresh scents of persimmon, avocado, strawberries, rambutan, durian, jackfruit, and mangosteen in Lam Dong Province.

Please do not hesitate contact us for the detail:
Asia Charm Tours

Head office: 20 Dao Duy Tu, Hanoi, VIETNAM.
Tel: (+844) 3929 0712 - Fax: (+844) 3929 0713
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Southwest Viet Nam wiht the famous fruit gardens. Southwest Viet Nam wiht the famous fruit gardens. Reviewed by vietnam sapa tour on August 07, 2015 Rating: 5
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