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Bo Y ethnic group in Lao Cai- vietnam

Bo Y ethnic has about 2.971.460 people but only about 1.900 people live in Vietnam in the border districts of the province Loa Cai and Ha Giang.
Among 13 ethnic group in Lao Cai, Bo Y is one of the ethnic has population less than other ethnic group in Lao Cai province.

 Bo Y people speak language Bo Y, one language belonging of the Tai. Bo Y language  handwriting like kinh people Vietnam, is the language created in 1950 based on the Latin alphabet.
 Bo Y people live mainly on cultivation and animal husbandry, poultry, especially they have experienced fish.
 Previously. Bo Y people often do joinery, forging, pottery, stone and silver carving chisels. Women know do cotton, spinning, weaving, embroidery clothes, towel bag.
 Although Bo Y people living in the highlands which often have high rainfall, high humidity and fog covered year round. But they eat and live in the background that has characteristics: Home have  a tructure including three room,  two square roof, around the walls, the hair is a porch.
 These homes often located on the banks of streams, on hillsides or in valleys, but the background was exalted.
 Traditional custom of Bo Y people with diverse styles styling, range of personal and artistic style:
 Men usually wear a collar rim, short blouses kind, four-panel; Leaf color is indigo pants self-woven fabric.
 The Bo Y women wear many accessories such as necklaces and bracelets. Formerly, Bo Y women wore full skirts like those worn by Hmong, or ornamented with batik bee’s wax designs and dyed indigo. The blouse is short, often having five panels with a bodice covering the chest and abdomen. Silver ornaments are popular, such as necklaces, wrist chains and ear-rings. The women wear their hair wound in a chignon at the top of their head. Their headgear is traditionally an indigo turban which or ornamented with colorful embroidery.
 About customary in the wedding, festival day, New Year's Day of ethnic Bo Y was quite fussy and enjoyable. This has led many visitors excited and enjoyed witnessing scenes of people dressed in colorful traditional clothing colors to dance, sing and perform traditional rituals in the this occasion. Especially The wedding ceremony of the Bo Y consists of three steps.

Up on arrival in Lao Cai, visitor not only admire the beautiful landscapes but also discover and learn about the customs and traditions as well as the lives of the people of ethnic minorities there. It is amazing journey should not be missed for all visitors.

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Bo Y ethnic group in Lao Cai- vietnam Bo Y ethnic group in Lao Cai- vietnam Reviewed by vietnam sapa tour on October 12, 2015 Rating: 5
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