If you are seeking for a relaxing package in The Northern Vietnam, an impressive itinerary to cover Hanoi, Ninh Binh and Halong Bay is the best for you. Right now, at this moment, i really don't know where you are when reading this post, but if you are interested in Vietnam as the must-visit place this year for a relaxing package, the North must be a choice while the wisest choice must be a schedule named Hanoi, Ninh Binh and Halong Bay. So are you wondering why not Sapa instead of Ninh Binh? It's because with the typical diverse geography of the mountainous region in North of Vietnam, Sapa seems to be perfect for trekking tours more than relaxing tour. However, if from bottom of your heart is always a Sapa relaxing tour, do not be anxious to think that Sapa is monotonic only with trekking tour, there's a lot of kind of tour wait for you to discover in this marvelous land and Topas Ecolodge is a typical example for Sapa relaxing tour that you can consider.

See more at: http://www.sapa-tours.net/tours/hanoi-city-halong-bay-tam-coc-adventure-tour-4days-3nights/
Brief Itinerary:
Day 1: Arrive to Hanoi (L)
Day 2: Hanoi – Hoa Lu – Tam Coc ( B/ L)
Day 3: Hanoi – Halong ( B/L )
Day 4: Departure from Hanoi ( B )
Please kindly contact us for the detail:
Email: info@asiacharmtours.com
Mob/WhatsApp/Viber/Wechat: (+84)906.288.138 (Ms. Linda)
Asia Charm Tours
Head office: 20 Dao Duy Tu, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Tel: (+844) 3929 0712 - Fax: (+8424) 3929 0713
Hotline: (+84)906.288.138
Email: info@asiacharmtours.com
Hanoi City – Halong Bay & Tam Coc Adventure Tour 4Days/ 3Nights
Reviewed by Vietnam Sapa Tours
March 01, 2019

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